Hiram Baldwin Ely, Jr.


Hiram Baldwin Ely, Jr.
Hi with his usual bow tie & tinkle in his eye

Much more information about Hi will be added in time. This website is a work-in-progress.

Father: Col. Hiram Baldwin Ely (1896-1987)
Mother: Zelie Bancroft Crosby (1899-1962)

Spouse: Judith Tillinghast Huston (1926-2021)


Note: Some events and people are not listed in order to protect the privacy of living persons. 

  • 1921 

    March 1 - Born on his mother's birthday in Rutherford, New Jersey. The 2nd child of Hiram and Zelie Ely. 

  • 1923 

    Starts school, aged 2, in Iowa. 

  • 1934 

    Attends Lycee Jaccard in Lausanne, Switzerland.

  • 1937 

    June - Graduates from Rutherford High School, Rutherford, New Jersey. 

  • 1937 

    Attends Columbia University, New York City, for three and a half years.

  • 1941 

    1 January - Enlists in the 207th Coast Artillery, New York National Guard. He served with that unit at Camp Stewart, GA, until he received a congressional appointment to West Point. 

  • 1941 

    July - Enters West Point Academy with the Class of ‘45 (later designated the Class of ‘44 after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in December). 

  • 1944 

    June 6 (D-Day) - Graduates from West Point.

  • 1944 

    15 October - Marries Judith Tillinghast Huston at West Point. 

  • 1969

    Runs for office of Freeholder on the Republican ticket but loses.

  • 1972 

    Buys condominium at Waterville Valley, New Hampshire, as vacation home.

  • 1994 

    Moves from Flemington New Jersey to Newbury New Hamshire.

  • 2003 

    February 16 - Dies in Concord, New Hampshire, aged 81 years. 


Hiram B. Ely, Jr. 1944 West Point Graduation

June 6, 1944

West Point Graduation

Hiram B. Ely, Jr. 1944 Off to the War in Europe

November & December 1944

Heading Off to the War in Europe

Stories to Come 

  • Growing up in Rutherford 
  • The Ultimate Goal: Getting into West Point 
  • A Whirlwind Romance
  • Letters from the War 
  • Jugtown Mountain Smokehouse 
  • Hi's My Guy: Running for Freeholder 

Last updated: 16 July 2023

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