Hiram Baldwin Ely, Jr.
Hi with his usual bow tie & tinkle in his eye
Much more information about Hi will be added in time. This website is a work-in-progress.
Father: Col. Hiram Baldwin Ely (1896-1987)
Mother: Zelie Bancroft Crosby (1899-1962)
Spouse: Judith Tillinghast Huston (1926-2021)
Note: Some events and people are not listed in order to protect the privacy of living persons.
- 1921
March 1 - Born on his mother's birthday in Rutherford, New Jersey. The 2nd child of Hiram and Zelie Ely.
- 1923
Starts school, aged 2, in Iowa.
- 1934
Attends Lycee Jaccard in Lausanne, Switzerland.
- 1937
June - Graduates from Rutherford High School, Rutherford, New Jersey.
- 1937
Attends Columbia University, New York City, for three and a half years.
- 1941
1 January - Enlists in the 207th Coast Artillery, New York National Guard. He served with that unit at Camp Stewart, GA, until he received a congressional appointment to West Point.
- 1941
July - Enters West Point Academy with the Class of ‘45 (later designated the Class of ‘44 after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in December).
- 1944
June 6 (D-Day) - Graduates from West Point.
- 1944
15 October - Marries Judith Tillinghast Huston at West Point.
- 1969
Runs for office of Freeholder on the Republican ticket but loses.
- 1972
Buys condominium at Waterville Valley, New Hampshire, as vacation home.
- 1994
Moves from Flemington New Jersey to Newbury New Hamshire.
- 2003
February 16 - Dies in Concord, New Hampshire, aged 81 years.

June 6, 1944
West Point Graduation

November & December 1944
Heading Off to the War in Europe
Stories to Come
- Growing up in Rutherford
- The Ultimate Goal: Getting into West Point
- A Whirlwind Romance
- Letters from the War
- Jugtown Mountain Smokehouse
- Hi's My Guy: Running for Freeholder
Last updated: 16 July 2023